Early summer heat has swept across the country, and talk about global warming is rampant, of course. High humidity, ozone warnings and dehydration are all things to be aware of, especially the very young and very old. But what can we do...or not do, to
keep cool?
Don't: 1) Drink alcoholic beverages out in the summer heat.
2) Consume beverages high in caffeine.
3) Take in high amounts of sugar.
* These three things will increase your heart rate, and ultimately make you feel lethargic and even more thirsty than you were in the first place.
Do: 1) Drink lots and lots of water/vitamin water.
2) Drink juices high in vitamin C and fresh brewed iced tea.
* These beverages help to replenish your body's need for water. And surprisingly, you should avoid areas where the
air conditioning is too cool! A drastic change in temperature and humidity can shock your system and make the unconditioned air feel even more unbearable.